Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Virtual PenPals Assignment

Hey guys, I made a folder for our next assignment. I sent you guys an email on your Google account to invite you guys to be able to edit our document we will be creating. Let me know if this worked or not. I am trying to get this done in the next few days because I have to work Friday, Sat, and maybe Sunday till 11pm, so I wont have time to do it then...thanks see ya!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Web Evaluations

For the Web Evaluations, are we finding websites for our group project (How to Conserve Water) or are we finding websites for the lesson plan topic? Also, I think when we get our 3 websites we're going to evaluate, I think we should tell each other what they are so we don't evaluate the same ones.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lesson Plan 1

Question: Do you guys know if we need to be creating multiple posts per week or just commenting on others post and being active in the blog? I'm a little unclear...Also, as I commented on Katie's last post--That sounds fine to me, I was planning to do my lesson on water pollution.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lesson Plan 1

Hey guys i'm trying to get started early on my lesson plan and want to do it on the different water treatments if that is okay! From what I understand we all need to pick different subtopics from our concept map. Also, we need to stay in touch this week so we don't end up with the same websites! Good Luck :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Inspiration Ideas

Do you have any ideas on what we should do?...I drew a concept map on a piece of paper just to get started and get an idea......I put "Water Resources" as the main bubble then had 5 sub-topics off of that: "Movement of Water", "Water as Devastation", "Quality of water", "Using Water", and "Bodies of Water". I'm not sure if this is what we're suppose to do and I'm not sure if we have to use that topic but I just wanted to throw an idea out there.