Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Inspiration Ideas

Do you have any ideas on what we should do?...I drew a concept map on a piece of paper just to get started and get an idea......I put "Water Resources" as the main bubble then had 5 sub-topics off of that: "Movement of Water", "Water as Devastation", "Quality of water", "Using Water", and "Bodies of Water". I'm not sure if this is what we're suppose to do and I'm not sure if we have to use that topic but I just wanted to throw an idea out there.


  1. Troy, how do you become a contributor? Also, I also made a concept map! Mine included things such as: Water as power, water pollution, conservation of water, etc.

  2. Go to your Gmail account inbox and follow the steps of the email that you received from Katie.

  3. Thanks, Troy! Just realized my email to Katie was sent to the wrong address so I hadn't gotten an email back from her. Just sent it again!

  4. We need to find a time where we can all get on and start talking about what we are going to do....What all do we need done by Sunday?

  5. I don't know! I'm still confused. However, I agree that we need to do that! Tomorrow or Sunday afternoon would work best for me. Also, I got clarification from our professor on what they meant about the inspiration/concept map thing. This is what they said:

    "Decide which group member is going to create the Inspiration Concept Map this time and that person should be the one to download the 30-day trial. The group member who is going to do the Final Inspiration Concept Map should wait until close to doing so before downloading."

    Does that help you to understand? Also, which one of us wants to do this?

  6. I can do it this time, but I need to know what to put on it.

  7. How about we do "Water Usage" as our topic. I need ideas for sub-categories. I have "Types of water" (Salt, Fresh), and I have "Sources of Water"(Ground, Surface), any ideas on at least two more sub-categories?...Also, we need our big project topic....what should we do?

  8. Hey Troy! Great, thank you for doing that. I'm gonna plan to be on email/the blog tomorrow almost all day starting around 2. As far as other sub-catergories: Natural Springs? I don't know! Maybe water contamination might be easier? Just a thought!

    Email me either via the e-learning section or my wmich email if you need any ideas or help! I'd be happy to.

    Thanks for doing that and we'll chat tomorrow. Also, have you spoken to Katie? I don't think I have been added to our blog yet!

  9. I have not spoken to Katie, I'm not sure where she is. I just read the instructions again and it says that the middle of our map should be our "exact project" so we need to come up with a project so we can think of sub-categories. I'll be on all day as well so just try to think of ideas cause I was thinking "How to Purify Water", but I don't know what to branch off from that and I don't know if that fits for water resources.

  10. That could work. Also, a possible topic: How to Conserve Water-- maybe creating a classroom/school action plan to do so? That might be easier! We could visit a water treatment plant or something like that for our field trip...

  11. I made a concept map on a piece of paper doing "How to conserve water", ill make it on the website and we can always change it before i just do a 30 day-trial?

  12. I posted the Concept Map...Its under the "Concept Map 1- How to Conserve Water" tab on our blog

  13. I like the "how to conserve water" idea. Since going "green" is pretty popular right now there will probably be a lot of good information out there. Thanks again for starting to map!
