Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lesson Plan 1

Question: Do you guys know if we need to be creating multiple posts per week or just commenting on others post and being active in the blog? I'm a little unclear...Also, as I commented on Katie's last post--That sounds fine to me, I was planning to do my lesson on water pollution.


  1. I think that as long as we are active in the blog and commenting throughout the week then we get full points!

  2. Sorry guys I have been extremely busy this week that is why I have not been on yet. Do we have to pick a sub-topic different from the ones on our concept map?

  3. I didn't think so, Troy. Although I am kind of confused. I am planning on writing mine tomorrow. Did you pick a topic yet Troy?

    Also, sorry for not responding again until now!

  4. I have been working or doing Hw all week and I work tomorrow so I need to get this done tonight. How do we integrate safe surfing into the lesson plan?

  5. I am doing mine on the Water Cycle I guess.....hope that's ok.
