Friday, June 24, 2011

Hey guys,
Do we need to have quiz 11 done by Sunday as well or just up to 10?

I'm finishing up on my end with the website! Hope everything is going well for you!


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Due Date of Website?

Hey Guys,
I was just doing some work on the website adding pages for my lessons and podcasts and whatnot--I have not yet attached my lessons and podcast but did make pages for them. I also changed the titles of Katie's tabs just so that people would know more of what they were getting into when clicking on a link, i.e. "lesson plan" or "podcast". Also, I was looking over dates and realized this is not due until next Sunday. Is that correct?

Hope everyones work is going well. Let me know if you need any help!


Friday, June 17, 2011


I have started the website and put the concept map as well as my two pages with my lesson plans on it. I think there are a total of 4 pages right now. Feel free to change any of the things I have already posted. Good Luck :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Final Concept Map

We need to have our final concept map posted so we can put it on our website. I got some suggestions for it, but we'll probably need more than this....
-Get rid of "Water Laws" because we didn't talk about it.
"Water as a science" (gas, liquid, solid)
"Water Cycle" (Condensation, Evaporation, Precipitation)
"Bodies of Water" (Lake, River, Pond, Ocean)
Add "Well" to "pump" under the category of "ways to get water"

Hope you guys can think of other things that we have done that we can add.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Hey guys, I am leaving for Europe this saturday, so I'd like to get started on this website early so I'm not leaving you both hanging! I'll start setting it up tonight!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lesson Plan 2

Just wanted to let you guys know that I am doing "What is your favorite way to use water" as my second lesson plan topic.


So for our podcast we each talk about things we have done so far (what are some of things that the kids have actually done, do we each talk about just one?)
And what are some concepts we can use?

Monday, June 6, 2011

This Weeks Assignments

Hey guys I would like to get working on our assignments for this week because I have to work late everyday this weekend. So if we can find a time to talk about the assignments in the next couple of days that would be great. Thank you!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Google Document- ePals with Chicago Elementary

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Google Map!

Here is the map so far...If we need to fix it, I will delete the post and make a new one with our up-to-date map!

View Google MyMap--EDT 3470 in a larger map

Friday, June 3, 2011

Digital Story

I am thinking I am going to do my digital story on using water but its not for sure yet, ill let you guys know.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Google MyMap!

Hi guys,
I am planning on doing our map tomorrow or the next day. Any ideas on what it could be of? The only idea I have is a walking field trip to a water treatment center... But, that seems kind of lame. Do you guys have any ideas? I'm totally willing to make the map just hoping for a little inspiration!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hey Guys,
Quick question--do you guys by chance have a grade for your email assignment? I know that I did it but it is the only thing I do not yet have a grade for...
