Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lesson Plan 2

Just wanted to let you guys know that I am doing "What is your favorite way to use water" as my second lesson plan topic.


  1. OK! Sounds good. I think I will do forms of water--i.e. gas, liquid, solid.

    I guess I am confused, though. Do our lessons have to relate directly to water as a resource or can they just be water related?

    If they have to be related to water as a resource, do you think I need to change my LP2 topic?

  2. I think that topic is fine, we need to use a "concept within our project topic" and we could actually add "forms of water" to our concept map. So I think that will work.

  3. Perfect! Thanks for the quick response, Troy!

  4. Has anyone done "ways to save water"?? I would like to do that for my lesson plan if possible!

  5. I did! I did ways to conserve...
