Wednesday, June 8, 2011


So for our podcast we each talk about things we have done so far (what are some of things that the kids have actually done, do we each talk about just one?)
And what are some concepts we can use?


  1. What are the "aspects" of our project?

  2. Maybe we could just cover our lesson 1 plan topics and discuss those...also, we could discuss our digital story topics.

    My LP1 topic was sources of water and my digital story topic was ways to conserve water.

  3. O my LP1 topic was the water cycle and my digital story was ways to use water.

  4. So, do you think these would be appropriate topics for our podcast?

  5. So, are we using our first lesson plan topics? that is fine with me..but we also have to use two concepts from the book each. have either of you started on that part yet?

  6. Also, someone can do their podcast on the ePals lesson we just did..If no one else cares I will!

  7. I was going to do mine on the ePals assignment but you go ahead. I just need to find something to talk about. I really need help finding 2 concepts.

  8. This is what I plan to say in the podcast. I would like some feedback on my two concepts (are they good concepts to use?) and also my last sentence is to tie into to what Chloe would talk about next, is that good?:

    "Hello guardians of our students. So far this semester your kids have been working on a big project of how to conserve water. In order to build ideas for this project, we have done many sub-topic assignments. As a class we learned about the water cycle. Then working individually the students made a PowerPoint of the water cycle and presented it in front of the class. During this assignment, I as the teacher had the kids focus on two main concepts: Project Management, which was the planning and organizing of their PowerPoint presentation, and Learning Disposition, which was the cooperation and motivation the students showed when finding information and presenting their project. This assignment led us to another assignment in which we found sources of water."

  9. Perfect! That sounds great, Troy! I need help with concepts from the book as well. I am going to do my 2 lesson plan topics--i.e. sources of water and forms of water, and maybe a little on conserving.

  10. how do we combine our podcast though? im a little confused!

  11. I think he combines them, I think we just have to make sure they'll flow together when he combines them.

  12. I posted mine, when you post your podcast, you have to put under comments what part of the order yours fits in. (Ex. I put 1st podcast of group, then Chloe would put 2nd podcast under comments and Katie would put 3rd.)

  13. OK! Thanks Troy! Is there anyway we can hear each others to make sure they flow well and whatnot?

  14. Oh nevermind! You posted your script. Thanks Troy!

  15. Katie would you like a copy of mine?

  16. “As a co-teacher, I worked with the students on multiple sub-topics. As previously mentioned our first exploration was sources of water. For this assignment the students used a hotlist of appropriate sites created by me, to find information on the natural sources of water. The students individually created powerpoints and presented them to their classmates. Through this assignment, students had experience doing research on the internet known as “Deep Learning”—to gather important, raw materials for their finished products.The next assignment was forms of water. For this assignment the students worked in pairs of two exploring the physical attributes of water in each state: as a liquid, as a gas, and as a solid. Through working together the students shared ideas and thoughts with one another through collaboration. The students then created tables using excel to make a table of the notes they took with their science buddy”
