Thursday, June 2, 2011

Google MyMap!

Hi guys,
I am planning on doing our map tomorrow or the next day. Any ideas on what it could be of? The only idea I have is a walking field trip to a water treatment center... But, that seems kind of lame. Do you guys have any ideas? I'm totally willing to make the map just hoping for a little inspiration!



  1. I think we are supposed to tie it into our lesson. So we may want to pick a location in China (if that is who we choose to be ePals with) and maybe locate that on a map. Or maybe we can locate the major fresh water sources in each country?? Just throwing some ideas out there! Thanks!

  2. Oh ok! My understanding is that it had to be tied to our topic but not neccesarily who we chose to be e-pals with--but that makes sense. I also was considering putting the locations of both groups, but if that is what we chose it would be hard to add much else to it...Maybe the fresh water sources is a good idea--however, how could we tie that into the water conservation piece if it needs to be related to that? Hmmm...I'll keep thinking but good ideas, Katie!

  3. We need to tie the Google Map to our PenPal assignment. Maybe we should change our ePals to a school in the U.S. then make a route to that school. I don't know if thats all we have to do??!

  4. Yeah, maybe that would work better. If we could--I'd like to nail down an idea by tonight so that I can get started on the map! Also, if where do we want our starting location to be? Should we just pick an elementary school in Kzoo?

  5. Yea lets just do an elementary class in Kzoo.

  6. OK, an elementary class in Kzoo...and a walking field trip to the other elementary class?

    Or we could map sources of water (i.e. springs, rivers, oceans, lakes, etc.)? I don't care either way...However, we need to add these little symbols to mean certain things to our map and I am not sure what to add if we are simply walking to another school. Have you guys watched the mymap video? Maybe that would give you a better idea.

    Please get back to me ASAP! :)

  7. I think we should do something like going to visit the class (ePals class) then on the way maybe stop by some bodies of water. Maybe the other class can be in Chicago then stop by lake Michigan then maybe a river on the way. I dont know how that ties into saving water.?

  8. I changed it to Chicago instead of China, is that alright?

  9. sounds fine to far as how that might tie into saving water I have no idea...I'm still trying to think on that one. Can it ONLY be tied into water conservation or just water resources as a whole? If it's water resources as a whole this could be a lot easier...

  10. Yeah we can do our projects on water resources as a whole. But i think for this assignment we just chose water conservation. I think I'm going to do my video on Water Treatments. Good Luck!
