Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Final Concept Map

We need to have our final concept map posted so we can put it on our website. I got some suggestions for it, but we'll probably need more than this....
-Get rid of "Water Laws" because we didn't talk about it.
"Water as a science" (gas, liquid, solid)
"Water Cycle" (Condensation, Evaporation, Precipitation)
"Bodies of Water" (Lake, River, Pond, Ocean)
Add "Well" to "pump" under the category of "ways to get water"

Hope you guys can think of other things that we have done that we can add.


  1. Hey Troy! I've been working 9-7 these past few days but I should have some time to be on tomorrow. I'll update with some ideas then!


  2. I'm doing the concept map and i'll put it up on the website :)
